Right talent
for right team

We help tech teams connect with engineers through our network of experts and agencies
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For Talent

Jobs that match your preferences and skills
One profile - many jobs
Monitor jobs annonymously
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For Employer

Access to 10.000+ Talents
48 hours matching
Source talents from many staffing partners at once
Better hiring decisions with Interview as a Service

For Staffing Agency

Access to customers with verified jobs
Better jobs for your talents
Better talent engagement
Improve interview to hire ratio with our platform

Unbiased Technical Interviews

Unlike general screening our network of independent experts conduct live technical assessment, reveal talent potential and help you make better hiring decisions.

hiring decisions


We have proven track record working with modern technology stacks and broad network of experts.




in the network

“It took only 3 weeks to hire a rare DevOps technical leader with the help of skillreveal. Within 2 months, he has already made an impact on the organisation. Also, he is a nice guy 😀..”

Sebastian Hanhues

Managing Partner

1648 factory

Success-based pricing

Feel free to explore our platform. You pay only if you decide to use our partner services.